أوبر: بالإشارة إلى الخبر الذي تم تداوله اليوم بخصوص ما صدر من المحكمة الإدارية، نود أن نوضح أن القرار لم يصدر بوقف ترخيص الشركات، وإنما هو موجه للسلطات لإصدار قرارات تنظيمية، ونطمئنكم بأننا سنطعن على القرار لدى المحكمة المختصة. ونحن على تواصل مستمر مع اللجنة الوزارية المكلفة بتقنين هذا القطاع الواعد. أوبر ملتزمة بتوفير خدماتها بالشكل المعتاد في السوق المصري.
شكرا لثقتكم فينا ودعمكم المستمر.
OBER: With reference to the news that was circulated today regarding the ruling issued by the Administrative Court, we would like to clarify that the decision was not issued to stop the license of companies, but rather it is directed to the authorities to issue regulatory decisions, and we assure you that we will appeal the decision to the competent court. We are in constant contact with the Ministerial Committee charged with codifying this promising sector. Ober is committed to providing its services as usual in the Egyptian market.
Thank you for your confidence in us and your continued support
شكرا لثقتكم فينا ودعمكم المستمر.
OBER: With reference to the news that was circulated today regarding the ruling issued by the Administrative Court, we would like to clarify that the decision was not issued to stop the license of companies, but rather it is directed to the authorities to issue regulatory decisions, and we assure you that we will appeal the decision to the competent court. We are in constant contact with the Ministerial Committee charged with codifying this promising sector. Ober is committed to providing its services as usual in the Egyptian market.
Thank you for your confidence in us and your continued support
إرسال تعليق